How I transformed our downstairs bathroom for €5

It had been good few weeks into the new year and I hadn’t painted anything. Imagine. Such prolonged break felt unnatural and something had to be done. Enter the downstairs loo make-over!
This space was bothering me with its slightly boring white walls and the same white laminate floor we have elsewhere in the house. The only interesting feature here was the pink door.
I dug up a sample pot that had cost me €5, borrowed IKEA arts brush from The Child, and started experimenting.
I started with a small area first and left it be for a while to see how I felt about it.
Having decided that I quite like it, I did one wall, then another, and then added another.
Since I hang out with a 3 year old, I was only able to do the painting in ten minute increments. In total, I don't think I spent more than two hours or so on the three walls here. It really was super quick and easy, and very much therapeutic! Definitely much easier and quicker than painting a full wall - no taping and second layers involved.⠀⠀
This design is quite busy and impactful and I would tire from it if I had it in a space I spend prolonged periods of time. Bathrooms and hallways are great like that - you only pass through them quickly and design choices here can be much bolder and busier than in other areas in the house.
This is probably the cheapest DIY project I've done so far and definitely one of the most effective. If you are tempted, go for it (and let me know how it turned out). What's the worst that can happen - its just paint and if you hate it, you can always just paint over, right?